Motor Vehicle Personal Injury
Motor Vehicle Personal Injury
A motor vehicle personal injury claim is a claim for an injury sustained following a road accident.
A road accident may be as a driver, passenger, or as a pedestrian. Your entitlements to a motor vehicle personal injury claim will depend upon where your injury actually happened.
As you know all the laws across Australia vary between each State and Territory.
So how do you know if you are entitled and how much you might receive?
Best thing to do is call the Accident Injury Helpline on 1300 188 784 for a free case review. The information given will be specific to the circumstances of your injury. information will be State/Territory law specific.
Strict time limits apply. If you leave it too late you may not be enitled to a personal injury claim!
Contact Us Today
Australia Wide Services Contact us for a free case review by calling 1300 188 784. Alternatively, you can complete the FREE CASE REVIEW form below.