Road Accident Claims
Road Accident Claims and Getting the Accident Injury Help You Need
So you’ve been involved in a terrible road accident and it was someone else’s fault. Suffering injuries is horrendous enough but then you have to fight for sufficient motor accident compensation as well.
Claiming motor accident compensation can be extremely stressful and there are many different approaches you can take.
Dealing with an insurance claim
Insurance companies are always looking for a way to minimise your insurance claim and dealing with them can often be an upsetting experience. It is in their best interest to minimise payouts as they might have profits and / or shareholders to consider. But this doesn’t help your cause does it?
Common feedback we have received from callers include ‘the insurance company was putting words into my mouth’ and ‘they were trying to get me to admit some blame on my part’. Dealing with an insurance company who you feel is coercing you or steering your insurance claim to suit themselves can cause severe stress. Know that help and support is at hand in this situation. To get in contact with someone who may be able to help if you are in this car accident injury lawyer 9situation call 1300 188 784 Being awarded motor accident compensation
If you are offered a lump sum payment which you think is ok, before accepting it or rejecting it, get a second opinion first. An accident injury helpline can arrange a legal opinion for you. It is very important to seek advice before signing anything of this nature. Once you have signed and accepted an offer you may have signed away your future rights to claim motor accident compensation.
Getting the help you need
Contacting an injury helpline can be of great help. With access to free information, advice and forms you can get an independent opinion, review your options and decide which path to take.
As well as motor vehicle accidents, an accident injury helpline can also assist with accidents at work or a slip, trip or fall in a public place. As an accident injury helpline is run by an independent organisation there are no biased opinions or hidden agendas. An accident injury helpline is only concerned about helping you. An accident injury helpline is not run by lawyers and are completely independent reviewing you case based on all the facts and pointing you in the right direction.
An accident injury helpline can connect you with a vehicle injury lawyer who practices law in your State or Territory and specialises in motor accident compensation (road accident claims)
You may be better off with a no win no fee vehicle injury lawyer representing you. Using a vehicle injury lawyer might mean a huge difference in the outcome of your motor accident compensation.
For free advice and forms call 1300 188 784.
Contact Us Today
Australia Wide Services Contact us for a free case review by calling 1300 188 784. Alternatively, you can complete the FREE CASE REVIEW form below.